Update oXs_out_frsky.cpp
[openXsensor.git] / oXs_Configurator / Python 37 Sources / oxsGps.py
1 from oxsConfig import ttk , W , E , fGps , gps3dExist , gpsTimeExist , gpsRateVar
3 #here start the definition of the GPS tab
4 #define GPS_SPEED_3D // uncomment this line if GPS speed has to be the 3d speed instead of the 2d speed (note: 3d is probably less accurate - to test)
5 #define GPS_REFRESH_RATE 5 // rate at which GPS sent new data; select between 1, 5 or 10 (Hz). Default = 5 Hz; Ublox NEO6 does not support 10 hz
6 ttk.Label(fGps, text="3D speed" ).grid(column= 0, row=1, padx= (15,5), pady=5 , sticky=(E))
7 ttk.Checkbutton(fGps, variable=gps3dExist,
8 onvalue='On', offvalue='Off').grid(column=1, row=1, sticky=('W','E') )
9 ttk.Label(fGps, text="GET UTCTIME (S-Port only)" ).grid(column= 0, row=2, padx= (15,5), pady=5 , sticky=(E))
10 ttk.Checkbutton(fGps, variable=gpsTimeExist,
11 onvalue='On', offvalue='Off').grid(column=1, row=2, sticky=('W','E') )
12 ttk.Label(fGps, text="Refresh rate (Hz)").grid(column= 0, row=3, padx= (15,5), pady=5 , sticky=(E))
13 gpsRateBox = ttk.Combobox(fGps, textvariable=gpsRateVar,
14 values=('1', "5" , "10"),
15 state="readonly", width=2 )
16 gpsRateBox.grid(column=1, row=3, sticky=(W) )